Tag Archives: Nutrition

Marathoning: The Columbia Diet (Part 2)

Last spring, I recorded my diet three weeks before the Fargo Marathon. Currently, I’m building back towards marathon fitness, and so I decided to undertake another brief food diary. The hardest part about eating a reasonably healthy and diverse diet in college, at least at Columbia, is a paucity of easily accessible fruits and vegetables. Keeping a supply of produce on hand requires careful management of refrigeration space and frequent stops at the supermarket. Essentially, I’m just making excuses for randomly binging on huge bowls of vegetables (instead of spreading out my servings throughout the day) and for not eating the macronutrient proportions ideal for marathon training. Gotta live a little. Continue reading

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Filed under College Life, Columbia University, Dining Suggestions, New York City, Restaurants

Triathloning: Shaking It Up

In my last triathloning column, I talked about the protein fetish.

The protein shake proposition frightens me. I associate protein shakes with Ivan Drago, Gold’s Gym, and overly zealous lifters knocking off a few reps and chugging down a supplement-packed slurry. Consuming more than a day’s worth of protein in liquid form feels unnatural and unbalanced; but if you want to get vascular, and you do, then out with milquetoast beverages and in with bodybuilder’s delight. Milkshakes no more—that is, unless they contain 100 grams of whey protein isolate. Continue reading

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Filed under Columbia University, Drinks, Triathlon

Triathloning: The Protein Fetish

In my last triathloning column, I talked about the stasis of swimming.

During my marathon preparation, I abandoned weight lifting for six weeks. This was not my wisest decision, since I proceeded to lose all my (already negligible) muscle mass. Unlike aerobic activities like running—and now, swimming—which I enjoy, I hate the exhausting pain of weight lifting. In order to perform well in my upcoming triathlon, however, I need to build a functional base of  strength. Besides the constant, low-level muscular exertion of swimming, I started using a few free weights, too. Beginning back at the little dumbbells feels a little disheartening—but I’ve learned a little patience over the last semester. Not surprisingly, I crave meat and high-protein foods constantly—eating animals indeed. Weight lifting calls for increased protein intake, because all those microscopically torn muscles require repair. Continue reading

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Filed under New York City, Restaurants, Triathlon

Marathoning: Eating for Sustainable Energy

In my last Marathoning column, I shared my Columbia diet.

At dinner the night before an 18 mile run, a friend and fellow runner asked me, “what do you eat just before you run and what do you eat right after?” Ironically, we were at What Happens When chowing down on some decidedly non-runner friendly foods. (Sour cream tart, anyone?) I do my best, however, to eat for sustainable energy before and after running. Finding a mix of carbohydrates and protein that provide consistent fuel and maximal recovery is mission critical—the “before” goal is to make it through the run without fading, the “after” goal is to minimize soreness. Continue reading


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Marathoning: Eat More Like Endurance Athletes, Less Like Students

In my last Marathoning column, I discussed eating through injuries.

College students punish their bodies: late nights, grueling parties, marathon study sessions—and all fueled on an inadequate diet. Bud Light and Doritos is not, contrary to popular opinion, the best way to get your vitamins and minerals. Cold cereal, peanut butter, buffets of free doughnuts? Again, a less than ideal regimen for scholarly success. Even if you live far from the comforts of Mom’s kitchen, grinding away on a tight budget and without adequate kitchen facilities, it’s possible to dine well in college. Students need sustained energy, so eating like an endurance athlete helps keep the good times rolling in good shape. Continue reading

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Filed under College Life, Columbia University, Running

Marathoning: Running on Empty

Running your first marathon is an experiment; running your second is a race. After experiencing the training cycle once, a runner understands the demands on his body, the trials of the race, and the process of post-race recovery. The next time on the track, each step merits examination and reevaluation. Losing your marathon virginity is a learning experience—success or failure during the first race depends on a galaxy of uncertainties. From how you train to what you eat, these constantly evolving factors determine speed, strength, and stamina. Continue reading

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